0049-(0)1575 4311787 info@maison-broche-clos-neuf.com


  • Is there Internet?
    Yes, all houses have Wifi. Please note that due to our rural location we cannot guarantee Internet connection for your stay.
  • When is the swimming pool open?
    The swimming pool is open from May through September.
  • Is the swimming pool heated?
    No, but the average water temperature is 26 C.
  • Is the swimming pool child friendly?
    Yes, both swimming pools are fenced per France’s legislative guidelines. All gates have locks and we ask that each remains gates closed at all times.
  • How are the swimming pools shared?
    “Petite Maison Broche” shares the Krieger family pool. “Cabrol”, “Fortunie” & “Petit Maison Clos Neuf” share a pool. In order to prevent overcrowding of the pools, we are very strict about maximum capacity of each accommodation. We do not allow guests to invite friends to the pool during their stay.
  • Can I bring my dog?
    Yes, your pets are more then welcome! But please note there is a surcharge of 30€ per animal. All pet owners must respect our house rules concerning animals.
  • Are the houses children/infant friendly?
    Yes. Please note that both “Petit Maison Broche” and “Cabrol” have bedrooms on an upper floor. Baby beds and cots are available for a surcharge. High chairs can also be supplied.
  • Is having a car essential?
    There is very little public transport in the area. While the towns of Goudargues and Cornillon are in walking distance, having a car maximizes your ability to experience more of the area.
  • Can we bring bicycles with us?
    Yes. The local area is very easily travelled by bike.
  • What is the weather usually like?
    The summer months are typically sunny and in the mid 20’s C. For more information, check out the region on www.holiday-weather.com
  • In which languages can I communicate with the staff at “Maison Broche & Clos Neuf”?
    We are fluent in English, German and French. A staff member will always be present during renting season. We are always easily contactable.
  • Is there a washing machine?
    Yes, each house has access to a washing machine and drying facilities. We also provide all products that you will need.
  • What time can I arrive/depart?
    Please note that all our change overs occur on Saturdays. Departing guests are asked to leave by 9:00 a.m., while new arrivals are requested not to check-in before 4:00 p.m. We ask that all guests adhere to these guidelines in order to ensure the same experience too all our guests.
  • Do I need to clean the pool or look after the garden?
    No. A member of staff cleans the pools twice daily. We are also responsible for the gardens. We try to be as discrete as possible while carrying out these duties.
  • So what is there to do in Cornillon/Goudargues etc.?
    Please have a look on our pages on local activities. We also provide an information folder in each house detailing what the area has to offer. Our staff is more then happy to give you suggestions throughout your stay.
  • My French isn’t very good, will that be a problem?
    No, all our staff is multilingual. Some French would be an advantage while staying here however, many of the locals have experience dealing with foreigners.
  • What local services are on offer?
    All necessary services are located in Goudargues & Cornillon within 1.5km from the accommodation – supermarket, baker, petrol station, ATM, doctor, vet, cafes & resturants.


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