0049-(0)1575 4311787 info@maison-broche-clos-neuf.com


Hopp, hopp, hopp, Horse trek in the Vallee de la Ceze

Discover the Vallee de la Ceze on Horseback!

We did another Horse trek with France and her horses from the La Ballade du Val de Ceze stable. This time we decided to be more adventerous and booked the 2-hour Trek which which included going through Vinyards, fields & little paths along the Ceze. You even get to go through the Ceze while on Horseback which the horses used to cool off, relax and get a small drink. Thankfully we were all on bigger horses so none of got wet feet 😉
Our group consisted of a mixture of begineers, some who had never been on a horse & more advanced riders who showed off their supreme horse handling skills! Courageous kiddies, adventerous teenagers &  nervous adults were all there and everyone had a great time! Whoever wanted (or felt confident enough) was given the opportunity to have a gallop at the end of the trek. This was probably the highlight of the trip for me…. I was one of the only people not to gallop but it was great seeing everyone race away over the hill. Next time I will definetly be racing up there with them.

A big thank you to France and her team at La Ballade du Val de Ceze. They really make the whole activity both fun and safe! Her horses are great and she really is the perfect guide and host!

Below is a little video I made from our trip…Enjoy!


Yogaholiday in Maison Broche – A great mix of relaxation and fun!

The first Yoga holiday here in Cornillon, South France was well worth it!

Thats me, on the far left of the picture above, I am currently helping Simon out for a month as a Workawayer and was here for the first of hopefully many Yoga holidays. I was lucky enough to get to take part with all the group activities aswell as give Simon a hand looking after the group. We welcomed 6 lovely ladies from England and Canada, who all knew or had taken classes with the Yoga teacher Kathleen. I am a Yoga novice and had thought of starting to go to classes but never got around to it. So I was very much a Yoga newbie and I had no idea what I was letting myself into! Im now a convert, believer.. whatever you want to call it – ive been snagged hook, line & sinker. If I could, I would try and smuggle Kathleen back to Köln and do Yoga everyday with her. 🙂 For more info please check out our dedicated Yoga page HERE.

The first session started a couple of hours after everyone arrived at Maison Broche. Eventhough everyone was feeling abit jaded after the journey and lunch enjoyed outside in the sun, we had a light session which involved mainly stretching and breathing exercises. Cork blocks & yoga belts were used to do various exercises and even though I couldnt understand everything I could relax and really enjoy the session. Kathleens voice and soothing words are so easy to relax. I love her voice 🙂


It was decided that there would be at least one if not two Yoga classes a day. The classes were on at times that suited everyone and it became clear that this was going to be a very chilled out group so no 6am starts! Sun salutation, the warrior, the downward dog & the cobra – the classes were a mix of poses and moves that most people know and have seen before… At times the classes were very dynamic, with an emphasis on strength and holding certain positions. I certainly felt the burn in my muscles with little droplets of sweat forming on my brow! And the most important part: “RELAX”! I felt great: Mind, body & soul.

Everyday life at Maison Broche et Clos Neuf! 

The Vallee de la Ceze and surrounding area has plenty to offer to help you relax and enjoy your holiday. For a comprehensive list of activities and things to do please click here

Some of the group decided to grab and book and read in the sun, while others went for a walk around the surrounding area visiting the local villages and checking out the river Ceze (there are numerous books here in both German & English for those who forget books!). My highlights were those that were organised by Simon. There was a specific activity organised everyday and all everyone was free to do as much or as little as they wanted. Myself & the Yogis did not have to organise anything, easy life :))  

My favourite activity was a Horse trek around the Vallee de la Ceze!

This was both fun and hilarious! I haven’t been on a horse for 12 years and for the first 5 minutes all I did was sit on the horse while it didnt move. Thankfully France, the owner & guide of the horse-trek business La Ballade du Val de Cèze  showed me the ropes and we were soon on the move. She obviously loves and trusts her horses and we were soon trotting through the forests behind Goudargues. Our groups had a mixture of beginner & experienced riders and the pace was leisurely and safe. Im glad to say that no-one fell off and there were no injuries!


Our route winded its way through fields, forests, wine fields and through charming little villages. We also did some celebrity snooping and got a peek at Gérard Depardieu house! Unfortunately he wasn`t home, probably in Russia hanging out with Putin… After about an hour we were back in the stables and were glad that we had only done a short tour! We all dismounted and walked around with a cowboy swagger. Any muscle soreness was quickly sorted by Kathleen that evening during the Yoga session 😉


My second highlight was something everyone visiting the area must do at least once. Simon organised a Dégustation or Wine tasting in the nearby Vinyard of Chusclan. Chusclan is located around 12km away and is a well-known producer of Cotes du Rhone red.

Sommelier Frédéric greated us with an enthusiastic smile and then mostly through English, some French and a few choice German words (just for me!) talked about and told us about French wine in particular the “Cotes du Rhone” region. We tasted 5 different wines, but before we started he explained in detail the proper way to do a wine tasting. He had plenty of pens and paper at the ready and challenged us to try and describe and discuss each wine. This type of tasting is something you must do if you are interested in Wine. The knowledge that Fréderic has and his enthusiasm he shows is infectious and the 2 hours we spent with him flew by. Fréderic loves his job and it was great fun doing the tasting with him.  


Proper wine tasting practice and etiquette is to spit but why should we let the wine go to waste? We probably should of listened to his advice, but who wants to waste it…….

So, to all Yoga lovers, whether you ar a beginner, just curious or someone who is looking for something more than just a sun holiday treat yourself to a great holiday at Maison Broche et Clos Neuf. The next group is in May with Shelby and Sara. For more info please check out our dedicated Yoga page HERE.


Chassezac & Ardeche Canyoning

We all have hobbies and activities that we love doing. These are usually decided by our childhood, friends and our surroundings. I have always been an active person & love playing and working outside. So when I made to move to Vallee de la Ceze my  surroundings changed dramatically. I was now surrounded by the lush, beautiful & rugged terrain the Gard is known for. Once you add the incredible climate we have here, Outdoor sports seem alot more accesible and easier to persue. Watersports in particular are alot more attractive due to the long warm days and abundance of rivers.

2015 was the year I discovered Canyoning. You are probably asking yourself, what is Canyoning? Here is my quick explanation – canyoning is descending a river using  using a variety of techniques that may include walking, scrambling, climbing, jumping, abseiling (rappelling), and swimming. You generally start off up in the mountains near the source of the river where the water flow, volume & current is still relatively low. While descending you will encounter boulders, cliffs, waterfalls & other obstructions which you will have to overcome by either swimming, jumping, climbing or abseiling. Sounds kind of Scary…. Don´t worry all Canyoning tours have highly qualified tour-guides who know what they are doing.

Below is a video I made of my Canyoning tours 2015. La Borne Integrale & Chassezac Integrale are shown:

If you are looking to do a Canyoning tour I highly reccommend using Face-Sud. Their guides are multi-lingual and are very experienced. If you feel capable and want to experience something different this is really worth doing!


3 Weeks of Work, Fun & Sun!

Biking to Goudargues for fresh baguettes & pastries

I told my friends that if I had to pick 1 picture to depict my time at Maison Broche, this would be it. Needless to say, they were all incredibly jealous! The Vallee de la Ceze is a magical and breathtaking place and I was lucky enough to spend some time here working with the hilarious Simon. I ended up at Maison Broche et Clos Neuf on a workaway program and it was a fantastic time! Simon is a great host and really puts a lot of love into his work here. I spent the days working in the garden, biking to town to visit our favorite fruit & veg lady, then cooking up fresh meals with herbs straight from the garden I’d been pruning earlier that day.

My big achievement was getting the saffron to bloom! Did you know it’s known as red gold??

The quaint towns and rolling vineyards were the perfect backdrop for this humble and relaxing lifestyle. My favorite days were market days and they are not short on supply! Without even trying, I think I ended up at at least 5 different markets. They were all so colorful and lively, but my favorite has to be in Uzes. The variety of local crafts and foods is heaven sent! On weekends, I would bike or walk to neighboring villages for a cup coffee and scenic views. The fresh country air is almost as intoxicating as the delicious local wine!

It’s been an unforgettable 3 weeks here and will always have a fond place in my heart. The time flew by and I’m incredibly sad to go.  I would highly recommend spending some time at Maison Broche. Simon makes you feel right at home, plus he knows all the best spots around town! And if you do come, be sure to tell Gandalf the cat I say hello! (She’s really the best part) Good bye for now Vallee de la Ceze… Hopefully we will meet again soon!

New Petit Maison Broche Video

When I decided I wanted to start making some videos showcasing our houses and the area, my first thought was “I can’t be that difficult!”. Well, I can now say it really isn’t that easy, especially if you are a novice like myself. The first video I am releasing for worldwide consumption is a walk around “Petit Maison Broche”. I hope you enjoy the video – Please subscribe, like & comment!

The Summer is nearly over but who doesn’t like Autumn? We still have some availability for September & October. So go on, treat yourself, you deserve a little break 🙂



Barjac Market – Every Friday

Shopping at the local markets really is something special. In the “Vallee de la Ceze” we are spoilt for choice when it comes to deciding when and where to do your shopping. Nearly everyday there is a market on in one town that is within 20 minute driving distance. This allows you to experience and enjoy all the amazing local produce that the locals enjoy everyday!

Today I was in Barjac, where the market is held every Friday. Barjac has a long tradition of growing Lavender and therefore you will see many Lavender products. Below are pictures of on producer distilling pure Lavender oil at the market. The smell was amazing!


The oil was collected in the glass container below;


lavender oil


Other typical products on sale were handmade soaps that come in all colours & flavours;



These soaps caught my eye because they looked a bit like cheese. Many stalls are beautifully decorated and offer a diverse and eccentric range of products!


The market is the ideal place to pick up some presents or keepsakes.


Barjac is surrounded by Lavender fields and it is always fun to go and explore the area.

Lavendel Barjac 1

Its another gorgeous day in Cornillon with blue and cloudless skies. We still have some availability for September if you are tempted to come! For those guests already booked we look forward to seeing you!




Gandalf (the Cat) chilling & relaxing by the Pool

Like much of Europe we are in the midst of a prolonged heatwave. It hasn’t rained since the end of May, with blue skies and cloudless skies nearly everyday. Just like us humans, animals need to find a comfortable place to get through long hot Summer days. Our new visitor and adopted cat (Gandalf!) has made the most of the shady spots in the garden.



The weeks are flying by and we are already in July. We still have some vacancies for September, so if your looking for a little bit of relaxation (like Gandalf above) you can always contact us. Have a great July everybody and we look forward to seeing all our guests who have already booked. And for those that haven’t, there is still time 🙂



Lavender Galore

Lavender is one of the most recognisable flowers and smells. The south of France has a rich history farming Lavender with the oils and scents used in various products including Herbal remedies, oils and soaps. We love having Lavender in the garden as the colour and smell add a lovely atmosphere outside. The plants also attract lots of wildlife including bees, birds and insects.

Some insects and wildlife enjoying the Lavender;

Wildlife enjoying the Lavender




We are surrounded by Wine fields and Orchards. Bees are essential for this ecosystem so we always enjoy trying to support these little troupers!

Lavender Bees June 15

Time is flying and July is almost here. We look forward to seeing all our guests who have booked and if you are interested in coming down to us, just send us a mail.




Local Swimming Areas!

We are located beside the beautiful “Ceze” river, with the well known “Ardeche” just 15km away. While the Ceze is not as well known as the Ardeche, it has plenty to offer. The winding river is surrounded by the rolling countryside with many locations easily accesible by Car. There are many local companies offering canoe tours which is a must do with family and friends. The Ceze is a gentler and easier descent than the Ardeche and is a good first time Canoe Adventure. The steep and deep valleys offer awesome vantage points and should ideally be viewed from below in a Canoe.

We love giving our guests local tips and always try to pass on our knowledge and local experiences. One of the best swimming areas in the Ceze is by the bridge at St. Andre de Roquepertuis. This spot has plenty to offer for parents and children alike.

The Barrage at St.Andre de Roquepertuis:
St Andre Swim

Looking upstream from the Barrage:
St Andre Swim Barrage

St. Andre bridge:
St Andre Bridge

We love this swimming spot and have been going here for nearly 20 years. Its a great place to swim, relax and enjoy the day. The “Guinguette” located nearby is also perfect for a affordable meal or a cold drink.

We are now on YouTube!!

We are now officially on YouTube with some videos a guest made after his stay last year. A big thank you to Michel Walther who filmed and edited the videos!

The first video is from Maison Clos Neuf, which comprises of “Cabrol”, “Fortunie” & “Petite Clos Neuf”. It gives you a insight into what the Pool area looks like and the surrounding countryside!

This video is a walkabout outside Maison Clos Neuf. It shows “Cabrol”, “Fortunie” & “Petite Clos Neuf” from the the outside with bothe private and communal areas.

I hope you enjoy these videos and that they give a insight into what we offer at Maison broche et Clos Neuf. We look forward to seeing our already booked guests and for anyone interested, I am always contactable by e-mail or telephone!



Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.